Narrative written by Grace Spee, Bansri Thakkar, and Arda Erdeniz
"you don't have a cat" started out by experimenting with video feedback. Using my laptop and a TV, I was able to experiment with “breaking” video images. I also experimented with my hands, hair, and other instruments. I had the idea to include typography in the feedback, and included some lines I had written for my thesis work. The next day, I came downstairs and found my roommates had started to add to my story with lines written on post-it notes stuck to our TV. That gave me the idea of creating a film written in layers, a result of a grown-up game of telephone between three quarantined designers. Over the next few days I recorded more feedback and we each contributed more lines. The resulting 2-minute film is a strange foray into a bizarre, overly-saturated digital world that is both engaging and vaguely threatening, as though something mysterious waits for the viewer just beyond the colors of the feedback.
"you don't have a cat" started out by experimenting with video feedback. Using my laptop and a TV, I was able to experiment with “breaking” video images. I also experimented with my hands, hair, and other instruments. I had the idea to include typography in the feedback, and included some lines I had written for my thesis work. The next day, I came downstairs and found my roommates had started to add to my story with lines written on post-it notes stuck to our TV. That gave me the idea of creating a film written in layers, a result of a grown-up game of telephone between three quarantined designers. Over the next few days I recorded more feedback and we each contributed more lines. The resulting 2-minute film is a strange foray into a bizarre, overly-saturated digital world that is both engaging and vaguely threatening, as though something mysterious waits for the viewer just beyond the colors of the feedback.